Elementary and Secondary Pupil Count Forms

As mandated by statute, Montcalm Area ISD conducts desk and field audits of the state aid memberships in each public school district in the county.  Audit frequency and steps are prescribed by Michigan Department of Education manuals.  Staff work closely with MDE and CEPI in the development of student membership procedures and programs.  Staff also provide staff development to districts in all aspects of student accounting - including residency, days and clock hours of instruction, schools of choice, and graduation and dropout rates.


Excel DocumentDS 4061

Word DocumentPA 201 Teacher Verification Form.doc

Word DocumentPA 203 Virtual Learning Parent Permission Form.docx

Word DocumentAffidavit of Proof of Student Age.doc

Excel DocumentPA 202 Elementary Pupil Absence List.doc

Word DocumentAbsence Form - Secondary .doc

Word DocumentPA 2 Building Checklist.doc

Excel DocumentPA 1G Drop and Add Record.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 1H Electronic Notebook Certification.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 1L Electronic Attendance Certification.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 4A Special Education Worksheet A.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 4A Special Education Worksheet B.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 5A Alternative Education Pupils

Excel DocumentPA 5b Cooperative Education Pupil List.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 5C Homebased Edcuation Pupil List.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 5D Homebound Hospitalized Pupils.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5E Non Public Homeschool Pupil List.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5F Part Time Pupil List.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5GA Post Secondary Pupil List.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5GB Early Middle College Pupil LIst.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5H Reduced Schedule  IEP Less than a Full Day.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5I Non Resident Pupil List.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 5L Special Education Transition Pupils.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5K Early Childhood Attendance 1755;1754;1862.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5M Split Schedule Pupil List.doc

Word DocumentPA 5N Suspended and Expelled Pupil List.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5OA Seated Online Distacnt Learning/Independent Study.xlsx

Word DocumentPA 5OD Online Learning.doc

Excel DocumentPA 50D1 Fall Virtual Learning Pupil List

Excel DocumentBlank 5OD Mentor Log Template.docx

Word DocumentSample 5OD Elementary Interaction Mentor Log.docx

Word DocumentSample 5OD Secondary Interaction Mentor Log.docx

Excel DocumentExpanded Online Learning 21f.xls

Word DocumentPA 5P Workbased Learning Pupil List.doc

Excel DocumentPA 5P1 Workbased Pupil Timesheet.xlsx

Excel DocumentPA 5P2 Workbased Learning SE Pupil Timesheet.xlsx

Word DocumentWorkbased Learning Training Agreement.doc

Word DocumentPA 5QC Foreign Exchange Pupil List.doc

Excel DocumentPA 6A Experiential Learning Pupil List.doc

Excel DocumentPA 6B Peer to Peer Pupil List.doc

Word DocumentSample K6 Educational Development Plan.docx