Thank you Don Thompson for 15 years of dedicated service to MAISD and the Montcalm County Community!

Facilities and Custodial Services

The Montcalm Area Intermediate School District's Facilities and Custodial teams work together to support our organization's strategic planning initiatives by providing well-maintained, safe, and clean facilities supporting student achievement.

School facilities management staff are responsible for maintaining the school's environment including maintaining, repairing, and enhancing infrastructure to create a safe, efficient, comfortable, and functional space for teaching and learning.

School custodial staff keep our school buildings clean. They are responsible for cleaning equipment and furnishings ensuring common areas such as bathrooms, offices, and classrooms are clean, sanitized, and safe for our staff and students.

Our facility staff also leads countywide initiatives to support money and time saving  efforts such as cooperative purchasing of supplies and services, and networking to share experience and best practices for improvement.

Help Desk

If you have a facility need please submit a ticket to the help desk. 

If you have an emergency maintenance issue that cannot wait, please call 616.225.5778.

MAISD utilizes Incident IQ (IIQ) Help Desk Management for help desk tickets, facility maintenance requests, asset tracking and knowledge base information.

External LinkVisit our Help Desk to submit a ticket

Facilities / Maintenance Staff

Custodial Staff