MAISD Professional Learning
Looking for professional learning opportunities? Click the links below to access:
Additional Professional Learning Opportunities:
- Ionia ISD LearningStream to sign up for Ionia ISD (offered by our learning partners)
- Michigan Virtual Professional Development for Educators (offered virtually through multiple content developers)
- EduPaths (offered virtually through MAISA)
- MiRegistry (Early Childhood professional learning, including from MAISD)
- Early Math Essentials from the GELN Early Mathematics Task Force (EMTF). Check out Early Mathematics "Building Math Fluency" video on their newly-launched YouTube Channel.
- Mi Systems Support (professional learning from the Michigan Statewide Field Team)
West MI Science: Kent ISD is offering the West Michigan Science Collaborative Secondary Teachers focused on continuing the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Check it out at West MI Science's Face-to-Face Offerings or Virtual Offerings.
Email with any questions. We would be glad to assist you!

Adel DiOrio
Hamler Administration Building
Instructional Services
Associate Superintendent of Instruction
Phone: 616-225-6142