Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Montcalm Area ISD is committed to providing a continuum of supports that builds capacity for all local districts as they implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework that is durable and sustainable.
It is our vision that MTSS implementation supports will be provided across all levels to the constituent districts within the county. It is also our intent to support all local districts in their efforts to integrate and align initiatives, programs, strategies, and activities and embed them into their continuous improvement plans.
Guiding Principles
The following guiding principles are the framework for complete MTSS implementation with fidelity and integrity:
- Adoption and use of an evidence-based core curriculum and instructional strategies for all students
- Use of a universal screening tool for behavior and reading for all students
- Incorporation of a data-based decision making and problem solving process or model
- Use of evidence-based academic interventions
- Implementation of a positive behavioral intervention and support system
- Consistent use of a valid and reliable continuous progress monitoring tool at strategic and intensive levels of intervention

Miranda Holmberg
Hamler Administration Building
Instructional Services
MTSS Consultant
Phone: 616-225-6152