Instructional Services
Montcalm Area ISD strives to provide services to local district teachers, administrators, and other staff that is research-based and relevant to the challenges in today's classrooms. Our focus, as we work with districts to develop Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, is on Tier 1: Best Initial Instruction. From this webpage, you have access to a variety of resources for curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional learning.
Our Purpose
Leading, collaborating, and serving to create education without boundaries.
Our goals:
- Work collaboratively with local school districts and educators, including other MAISD departments to improve student achievement for each and every child through the implementation of multi-tiered systems of support;
- Provide high quality, evidence-based professional learning opportunities for Montcalm County educators; and
- Act as a liaison between the Michigan Department Education and local school districts by fostering the flow of information.
We believe:
- providing evidenced-based professional learning opportunities are key to fostering lasting positive change in schools;
- all educators deserve high quality, reasonably priced professional learning opportunities;
- one of our roles is to provide a connection between local districts and the Michigan Department of Education and in doing so, keep local districts informed;
- partnerships with other ISDs/ESAs and organizations are important; and
- our best work is done collaboratively with other MAISD departments and with local districts.
Instructional Services Staff
Kate Bradley Hamler Administration Building Professional Development Coordinator 616-225-6172 Send an Email
Adel DiOrio Hamler Administration Building Associate Superintendent of Instruction 616-225-6142 Send an Email
Will Lepech Hamler Administration Building Continuous Improvement Consultant 616-225-6184 Send an Email
Kris Lindsey Hamler Administration Building Mental Health & Homeless Coordinator 616-225-6126 Send an Email
Heather Phillips Hamler Administration Building Early Childhood Literacy Coordinator 616-225-6174 Send an Email

Adel DiOrio
Hamler Administration Building
Instructional Services
Associate Superintendent of Instruction
Phone: 616-225-6142